Category:Books by Hiking and Trekking in the United States
Category:Books by Walking in the United StatesQ:
How do I change the bounding box?
In Inkscape I want to change the bounding box of a clipping. How do I do that?
If you are working on a shape without stroke and no fill then you can use the Stroke / Fills Tool.
To do this you will need to select the shape and set the Stroke Width property to 0.
Then you can add a Stroke and the stroke will be clipped to the shape.
For more on this tool:
Inkscape - Stroke and Fills
You can try to increase the height or width of the clip bounding box. If you want to set the size of the bounding box to the "Aspect Ratio", then you can use the Scale tool.
If you want to set the height of the clip bounding box to the "Aspect Ratio" you can do the following:
Use the Transform tool, (Hold Ctrl / Command key and click on the bounding box of your selection and drag).
The bounding box size can be change by clicking on the blue area near the bottom right.
The United States has fought a serious war in the Middle East. But President Trump and his administration are still picking a fight with Iran.
The latest skirmish involves an Iranian military commander who was just executed.
The killing of the general — Gen. Qasem Soleimani, who was in charge of the Quds Force of Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps — happened after Trump ordered a drone strike on an Iraqi airport and after American forces carried out an airstrike in Baghdad.
“I think this administration has overplayed its hand,” said Richard Hass, a former assistant secretary of state in the Obama administration. “They keep escalating the confrontation. They have to know that this is not going to be a cakewalk.”
Others, though, say the administration has little choice but to confront Iran. “Every time they send an aircraft to Iraq or Syria, they’re taking chances of being attacked,” said Hussein Shobokshi, a retired Iranian general who now lives in Washington. “We would react the same way.” ac619d1d87
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