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Peaky Blinders


Just to correct a few minor mistakes. 1) The REAL Peaky Blinders actually existed 20 years before the show happens. 2) The name Peaky Blinders comes from a) peak caps b) blinders a slang for punchers or fighters. Sorry razor blades are artistic creation of the show. There are a few good Youtube videos on the subject matter. Enjoy.

In popular lore, the name Peaky Blinders reportedly came from a particular practice that the gang members had: sewing disposable razor blades into the peaks of their flat caps. The idea was that those hats, now with concealed blades inside, could be used as weapons with the element of surprise. Some texts claimed that gang members would conceal the razors in their hats, then headbutt unsuspecting enemies, hoping to strike at their eyes to blind them permanently or, at least, to slash their faces and foreheads, which would then cause blood to run into their eyes and impair their vision temporarily. Hence: "peaky" for the supposedly deadly peaks of their caps, "blinders" because they, well, blinded people.

Peaky Blinders


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